Into The Light is located in Cumming, GA. We offer a variety of programs for women who have been sexually exploited and abused, have substance abuse issues, or have been impacted by other destructive habits.
Who we are
Who we are
Into The Light is located in Cumming, GA. We offer a variety of programs for women who have been sexually exploited and abused, have substance abuse issues, or have been impacted by other destructive habits.
How we can help
We strive to be a loving, Christ-centered organization that supports women by solidifying a healthy, clean, and Spirit-filled lifestyle. We provide a safe and structured home where ladies will be encouraged and supported as they recover and heal. We help them develop the necessary skills and attitudes to be successful in life.
We are not a treatment center. We offer a structured living environment where women are loved and cared for, which is necessary for life-long recovery.
If it is your desire to make lifestyle changes, please look at what Into The Light can offer:
We provide our women with comfortable living arrangements in a great area and at a low cost. Each lady will have ample opportunity to save while living in a healthy and uplifting home.
Each resident is family to us and we treat them as such. Our mentorship program, small groups, counseling, and house events are just a few of the many opportunities the women at Into The Light will have to embrace an uplifting and loving community.
restoration & purpose
We offer counseling resources for continual healing and support. A case manager will be assigned to develop a success plan that is individualized to meet the unique needs and desires of each woman. With our contacts and community partners, we hope to help these women reach their goals and find their purpose.
Out of darkness
"He called you out of darkness to experience His marvelous light, and now He claims you as His very own. He did this so that you would broadcast His glorious wonders throughout the world."
1 Peter 2:9